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Graduate Student Funding Opportunities

Below are links to various graduate student funding opportunities, including research grants, travel grants, and scholarships. Please note, this is not an exhaustive list. We strongly encourage you to discuss funding opportunities with your advisor, committee members, and fellow graduate students. In addition, it is often beneficial to take some time to do your own web search for potential funding - your research and career path is unique; therefore, there may be opportunities available for your situation that others are not aware of.


Funding Opportunities at the University of Utah

Geography Department Opportunities:

Available to University of Utah Geography MS and PhD students

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Funding Opportunities

Scholarships available across the disciplines within the college of social and behavioral sciences (including geography); some opportunities target specific disciplines/criteria, other scholarships are more general.

Graduate School Funding Opportunities

 Scholarships and Funding available across all disciplines; some opportunities are more general, while others have specific criteria

Associated Students of the University of Utah

Travel award for University of Utah students

Lists of Nationally Competitive Funding Opportunities

These sites provide lists of a large number of the nationally-competitive funding opportunities. However, these are not exhaustive lists. It may be helpful to do your own search as well.

External Organizations that Recently Funded University of Utah Geography Graduate Students

National Science Foundation

These fellowships are competitive and prestigious; cross all disciplines supported by the National Science Foundation


These fellowships are competitive and prestigious; cross many disciplines but require use or development of NASA assets

Ford Foundation

“The Ford Foundation Fellowships are designed to increase the diversity of the nation's college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.”

American Geophysical Union

Funding available to members of AGU

American Association of Geographers

Travel Grants

Research Grants

Funding available to members of AAG

Geological Society of America

Funding available to members of GSA

Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship

Funding for PhD students whose research focuses on the humanities or interpretive social sciences

Last Updated: 8/29/24